A Word to the Wise

Today's issue of the local paper (with the tease above the masthead regarding how the US is becoming less trustful of the establishment) follows up with a major reason why less people are buying and believing newspapers anymore:

Front page story on people who are “gender dysphoric.” This topic ought to be on pages with recipes, lovelorn stories, tearjerkers, etc. For a newspaper to feature a topic that used to be for the side shows at circuses is one reason why folks are canceling subscriptions.

And for a paper, without a table of contents, to routinely change placement within the pages (weather forecast for example) shows its contempt for readers.

And start a story in Part A and end it another section of the paper is another reason.

Using the manufactured language of the dysphoric indicates a lack of knowledge. Did the editors not read Orwell? When educated readers see the deliberate misuse of pronouns, one must question either the knowledge of editors or their intent. Science believers know there are two genders/sexes in most species, particularly in mammals. Any newspaper that is in collusion to dumb down the citizenry is more likely to lose the intellectually higher order members of its readership.

A word to the wise (used to be) sufficient.

In liberty,

Audrey Taggart

This is commentary from our members, it is not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


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