Biden Ignores Wide Open Southern Border

Innocent American citizens safety and security are being compromised by Biden's welcoming of illegal aliens through our southern border 24/7. It makes me wonder if he is willing to compromise the safety and security of the American people because his chief motive is to eventually gain Democratic votes and change the dynamics of the American census. After all Biden believes that the chief threat to America is “white supremacy”.

Biden’s open southern border has allowed over 2,000,000 migrants to enter our country since he became president. He pretends to be the COVID czar with protecting the American people from COVID then allows COVID positive illegal aliens into our country. Biden allows COVID positive illegal aliens to be transported throughout the United States to spread COVID into unsuspecting communities. Biden chastises Americans who choose not to get the vaccine but allows COVID positive illegal aliens to be transported throughout the US. He insists Americans need to mask up and businesses may potentially shut down again but illegal aliens continue pouring in at our southern border.

Biden’s open southern border has encouraged the drug cartels to smuggle cocaine, fentanyl, and methamphetamines the border into our country. Trump had cracked down on drug cartels and Biden has done nothing to stop the illegal entry of drugs at the southern border. American lives are lost every day to drug over doses. Biden does not address the drug crisis in America.

Biden’s open border has encouraged human smuggling by not having illegal aliens remain in their port of entry and come to the US through correct proceedings. Unaccompanied children are being dropped at the border which is a humanitarian crisis and Biden ignores.

Biden's leadership is to ignore important issues that affect Americans and ignore the southern border crisis.

-Pam Ouellette




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