Bill of Rights Under Attack

I am getting more impressed about what is happening in the news lately.

1. We have a well-known leftist – Alan Dershowitz - who admits he has voted Democrat for years, call out the former occupant of the White House, Barrack Obama, for lying about Gaza being “occupied.” We know it is not occupied.. The residents there voted for Hamas leadership back in 2005. Who does Barry claim is “occupying” the area? Israel? Iran?

Neither Barry, nor Biden, support Israel. They say they do but actions speak louder than words. When, in the next breath, they each caution Israel from attacking civilians - which we all know is what Hamas did, does, has done -is their modus operandi, after all – they expose their true beliefs.

It would be like the school principal chastising the bully and his victim, who is two feet shorter and 20 pounds lighter, with the same language, even though the bully is sent to him at least once a week for the same offense - bullying.

2. We see an outright continuing attack on our Bill of Rights from the Democrats (aka Woke). Remember when the current resident of the White House wrongly told us the 2nd Amendment is not “absolute?” Now we have a judge in NY limiting the 1st Amendment.

Judge Chutkan (presiding over the Trump travesty in that state) claims: “.....the First Amendment rights of participants in criminal proceedings must yield … to the orderly administration of justice.” Even though the ACLU supports Trump in this case. and other experts in the field such as, Von Spalovsky states her (Chutkan's) criticism doesn't even come close to establishing this abusive order.

This way of thinking (Woke) is probably the main factor why we do not have the military at our border.

In liberty,

Audrey Taggart

This is commentary from our members, it is not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


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