Can these United States long Endure?

President Abe Lincoln in his famous Gettysburg Address questioned whether this nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. He, of course, was referring to the great Civil War.

Given the events of the last several years, we must again ask if this nation can long endure— entrenched politicians serving for decades upon decades bowing to the altar of special interests, impeaching presidents on a strictly partisan basis with no chance to convict, politically weaponizing our once trusted government agencies and institutions, providing false evidence to the FISA courts with little consequence and destroying the reputations of decent long serving men and women, having communist spies on staff for decades with no consequences what so ever, piling on more and more choking debt on our country with no plan to curb it, let alone pay down the debt, and politically profiting from thousands and thousands of illegal aliens crossing our borders weekly aided and abetted by our own government.  Our citizens are increasingly losing confidence in the integrity of our elections.

Can our nation long endure?    
Richard MacAuley
Hobe Sound Fl.


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