Common Sense, Volume 2: Immigration Insanity

It is impossible to think about our current immigration crisis in any rational manner.  We have spent billions of dollars to stop construction of the southern wall. The current administration has encouraged immigrants to enter, provides them with cell phones, and then transports them to unknown cities across the United States.

Nearly every industrialized nation has borders and those borders cannot be crossed without permission.  There is a good reason for this.  How can a country protect itself from would-be terrorists, drug smugglers, cartels, rapists, child molesters and who knows what else if there is not a secure border?

To date (2022) the US has encountered 1.47 million immigrants at the southern border, over 320,000 in the month of April alone.  It is unknown how many are terrorists or drug smugglers.  If that isn’t bad enough, the cartels are becoming wealthier which gives them more power in their own governments.

It is as if our current administration simply doesn’t care.  Their own constituents are complaining about the crisis, and they refuse to visit the border to see for themselves the reality of the situation.

As a result of these reckless policies our own country suffers.  According to JAMA, overdose deaths have more than doubled and nearly 80% of those deaths involve fentanyl.

So where does this leave us?  It appears the current administration is either inept or incapable of solving this problem, or possibly they do not want to solve the problem.  In any event, no one, not even the current administration can be this inept.  Surely, we are capable of securing our borders as demonstrated by the past administration.  That leaves use with the third possibility…do they want this unbridled immigration?  This is a frighting thought.


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