Common Sense, Volume IV: Illegal Immigration

Last month marked a new high for “encounters at the border” at least that is the latest term for “Illegal Immigrants” crossing the border.  It is almost impossible to believe that this fiscal year will bring 2,150,000 illegal immigrants through our southern border.

Imagine if you will what these border towns must be dealing with.  The daily encounters are just under 6,000.  What is to be done with them and how will we pay for this incompetence?

I think we can all agree that we cannot have a sovereign nation without a secure border.  So, why would the current administration not take measures to stop this influx of immigrants? They actually invited them.

In the latest interviews with Alejandro Mayorkas, he states that the border is secure.  I have to ask in what alternate universe is he living?  The latest estimates of the “got aways” is 900,000 plus.

To date there have been over 700 recorded immigrant deaths at the border.  No one knows how many women have been sexually assaulted, children abused, what obligation these immigrants have to the cartels and how many illegal drugs are coming with them.   This much we do know, there have been more suspected terrorists met at the border in 2022 than in the previous four years combined. No one crosses the border without paying the cartels.

The number one cause of death among young people in the US is opioids or fentanyl.  There have been more deaths in just the last year from these drugs than all of the deaths in the Vietnam War.  How do you think they are getting into the country and who is producing them?

Since this administration has taken office there have been more than 5,000,000 encounters.  Wouldn’t you think that someone from the administration other than Mayorkas would have traveled to our southern border to witness this crisis?

It is unconscionable that we are standing by, watching our country self destruct.  Please let this administration know that this is not sustainable and to secure our borders.

And please remember to vote your values in November…vote Republican!





Orchestrating a Crisis so Government Can “Solve” It


Attention Republican Voters in Martin County!