Congress will Never Impose Term Limits upon Itself

Term Limits: These are dreaded words to most members of Congress.  Congress will never impose term limits upon itself. Perhaps the first and best example of term limits was President George Washington’s own self-imposed term limit.
When the Government or Congress become unresponsive to the will of the people or fail to protect its people, many believe the only remedies are to vote them out of office, sue in the courts or amend the constitution. Congress will never voluntarily vote to term limit themselves. We the people can and must impose it upon them.
The genius of the framers gave us Article 5 of our Constitution which provides its citizens a last-ditch method to impose their will upon congress and force term limits et al. It is called a “Convention of States”. although it has never been done before in our history, unfortunately, the time for such action is now. While some will say such action would take far too long, we recall the 21st Amendment took just 10 months to be repealed and the 26th Amendment just 4 months to enact. Term limits and balanced budget amendments are very popular ideas and should just sail through the States.
Check out to see a map of progress to date.

Richard MacAuley

This is commentary from our members, it is not the offiical position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


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