Gov. DeSantis Supports Parents Rights in Public Schools

Gov. DeSantis Supports Parents Rights in Public Schools: House Bill 1557 Bans K-3 Classroom Discussions on Sex

Governor Ron DeSantis has made parental rights a major issue for parents whose children attend public schools. The Florida legislature has responded to increase those rights by passing House Bill 1557, officially named "Parental Rights in Education.” The bill bans sexual orientation classroom discussion in grades K-3 and goes into effect July 1, 2022, once Governor DeSantis signs it. 

Governor DeSantis has defended the bill, stating “When you actually look at the bill, and it says, 'no sexual instruction to kids pre-K-3,’ how many parents want their kids to have transgenderism or something injected into classroom instruction? It's basically saying for younger students, do you really want them being taught about sex? And this is any sexual stuff."

This bill would require "prohibiting classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity." It would also require "prohibiting school district personnel from discouraging or prohibiting parental notification and involvement in critical decisions affecting a student's mental, emotional, or physical well-being."

This would allow parents to sue school districts for violations of HB 1557. The bill's notification provision would only take effect if there was concern about the student’s safety.

The bill gives parents a greater say in the education of their children, empowering them to be involved and advocating on their behalf. The bill deters school staff from inquiring about a student's gender identity or pronouns without including their parents in the conversation so as not to confuse young children. 

Kallie Jurgens


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