MLK and Anti-Semitism

As we finish paying tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for his work on gaining Civil Rights for all - back in the late '50s – early '60s, we recall much of his philosophy. He preached love over hate, equal rights for all based upon “the content of their character” rather than religious beliefs, skin color, and so forth. We need someone like him today to deal with the ignorance and hatred we see and hear spewing out of the mouths of college students and others, in regard to anti-Antisemitism.

We seem to be experiencing hatred based upon misinformation, disinformation or downright lies, emanating from the Ivy League Colleges and Universities, no less. What on earth are government schools teaching these days? When my adult children were in school, they were expected to memorize his “I Have a Dream” speech.

Often times, after MLK spoke in a given city/town, there were death threats, firebombing, etc. Many may have been reacting to King's call for a “guaranteed annual wage.” Minimum wage is one thing – guaranteed income is quite another. Then, as today, this is viewed as a call to socialism. As an adult during those times, it seemed as though we had basically achieved the status he called for – judge by character, nor skin color.

I did grow up in NY, however – not in the (Jim Crow/Democrat) South. I never saw any racism then, nor now. I do see efforts to direct us to more government control (fuel, wages, prices, home ownership, government schools, government housing, transportation).

In liberty,

Audrey Taggart

Hobe Sound

This is an editoral from one of our members and not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


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