Scary Statistics
Scary Statistics from National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
“We don't live in a vacuum,” states Dr. Costakos, Director of Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine at the Mayo Clinic. “The health of the baby is often directly tied to the health of the mother.” Experts consider infant mortality an important factor in overall population health. Now, for the first time in two decades, the death of newborns (under 1 year) is on the rise.
And, as the average U. S. life expectancy is declining, we must look into the root causes of these startling facts. Perhaps our Vice President could conduct an investigation?
But seriously, it does not take investigations or fortune tellers to pause and consider whether “Open Borders” – no knowledge of the health status of the immigrants (as our forefathers sensibly underwent), their skill levels, immunization records (polio, childhood diseases), their criminal background, their literacy level, and all other pertinent information other civilized nations require is a major factor.
We know what an inhumane process this decision has caused the immigrants: the number of deaths, diseases, child and other forms of sex trafficking, child abandonment or sale.
We also are aware of the drug cartels' smuggling which cause death to our young people.
Providing cell phones, health care, food, clothing, housing/shelter, schooling for them is bankrupting and creating homelessness in cities like NY, Chicago, San Francisco to name a few.
Among high-income countries the US spends far more on health care yet has the highest infant death rate – three times the rate of Norway, for example.
In liberty,
Audrey Taggart
This is commentary from our members, it is not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.