SOTU Report
The major item most viewers seemed to agree upon was – 'it was loud.' Most citizens do understand that the purpose of SOTU is to report on the state of the union; not to act as a kick off campaign speech delivered by an angry old man, which is primarily how it came across.
The current occupant of the White House yelled at Congress for over one hour - almost in a state of delusion with a litany of outrages against Donald J. Trump. Using diction as a drunk might – often with the accent on the wrong syllable or leaving out syllables, or overemphasizing the pronunciations of words to an extreme degree. He seemed to be using yelling as a substitute for the stamina he has often been accused of lacking. Yelling does not equal vim and vigor. Anger is unbecoming a gentleman of a certain age – or any age, for that matter. He may have been swatting at a younger rivals – Gavin Newsom – for one - Nancy Pelosi's nephew. Nancy, by the way, noted he used the word 'illegal' instead of 'undocumented' but “not a big deal, said she.” How magnanimous!
Even the failing CNN labeled much of the diatribe as “mostly lies, some by omission, some misleading and some outright lies.”
Could any viewer/listener say there was some meaningful plan to unite the USA? NO!
Trump has 'Make America Great Again', Reagan had 'the shining city on a hill.'
Barry O wanted to make us citizens of the globalist world, do the UN's bidding, take away our guns, private property, etc.
Take heed the words of Sen. J.D. Vance: “Listening to lies can make you immune to the truth.”
Audrey Taggart
Hobe Sound
This is an editoral from one of our members and not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.