Tent City for the Homeless in Martin County?
According to a local news article on March 22, amidst Florida's new legislation concerning homelessness, local jurisdictions are looking for alternatives to people sleeping on sidewalks or in public parks.
Gail Harvey, Jensen Beach resident and president of Tent City Helpers, a non-profit aiding the homeless, suggests repurposing the Martin County Fairgrounds in Stuart as a designated homeless camp, according to the article.
Harvey says that the fairgrounds offer essential amenities like security, restrooms, and electricity, making it an ideal centralized location for individuals seeking safety. Harvey suggests providing individual tents for each occupant, with communal facilities for meals, medical care, and mental health services.
Maybe Harvey is unaware that in California, beautiful places such as Venice Beach have been destroyed by tent cities and the crime that comes along with them.
Tent cities pose significant dangers to both residents and the surrounding community. Homeless people living in tents are exposed to increased risks of crime, including theft, assault, and substance abuse-related incidents. Without secure shelter, they are more susceptible to exploitation and victimization by criminals.
Additionally, the concentration of drug activity within these makeshift settlements can only add fuel to the fire, with drug trafficking, overdoses, and violence related to drug disputes.
The removal of tent cities in Venice Beach, Calif. in January 2023 has resulted in a notable decrease in crime, according to LAPD data.
The social disorder in tent cities contributes to a sense of insecurity and discomfort among residents and businesses in the surrounding area.
Public drunkenness, aggressive panhandling, and crime become commonplace, leading to a decline in the overall quality of life. Is this what we want for our beautiful Martin County and its residents?
Homelessness is a complex issue, often fueled by mental illness and drug addiction. We need to tackle homelessness by the root and not simply provide space for people to set up their tents.
Renae Carter
Stuart, FL
This is an editoral from one of our members and not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.