This Bill is a Catastrophe

Representative Byron Donalds (R) Florida exposes what the Democrats are hiding in their "Build Back Better" Spending Bill.

According to Representative Donalds, "This bill will strip power away from elected officials and the people they were elected to serve in state capitals from Tallahassee, Fla., to Pierre, S.D., Concord, N.H., Phoenix, Ariz., and across the nation.

Unlike Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who famously said, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it,” I read the bill, and it is a disaster.

Hidden in this nearly 600-page monstrosity is the ability to do the following: Dissolve voter I.D. laws; give Washington bureaucrats the power to redraw congressional districts and create voter qualifications such as allowing 16-year-olds to vote; open the door to taxpayer-funded political campaigns, and set up fraud-prone mail-in ballots as the new standard of voting.  

Furthermore, this bill buries the politically polarizing maneuver to make Washington, D.C., a state – which speaks to this bill’s misguided and elitist motivations. 

Also, H.R. 1 changes the Federal Election Commission’s membership to five members, effectively giving the Democrats complete control over the future of America’s sole enforcer of campaign finance laws in the United States.  

This bill is a blatant assault on the Constitution.


Governor DeSantis’ 2022 State of the State Adress