Biden Administration Attacks Women

In 1972 Title IX was passed by Congress. This was a law intended to offer equal rights to girls and women in sports. Prior to that time, there were no sports for female students in public schools. There were not even locker rooms for girls.

Vegetable Man's (Biden's) Department of Education, as of August 1, has established new guidelines which the use fuzzy words like prohibit, protect, secure, but which actually redefine sex as “gender identity.” There is now punishment for not using the individual's preferred pronouns. Biological high school boys and men are now entitled to use girls/women's showers and locker rooms. Title IX was meant to protect girls and women. And it did a fairly good job. Federal aid to education can be cut off for violation of this new protocol. What changed?

“Practicing Catholic” Joe has endorsed what is commonly known as “partial birth abortion” or “infanticide,” therefore, he is perceived as supporting women's “healthcare.” Abortion can hardly be called such. It is a misnomer, to put it mildly.

Where are the women's groups: NOW, Me Too? The silence is deafening - as the saying goes.

All citizens – men and women - ought to be offended by this attack on women by the current administration. They must let their disgust and common sense to crystalize into opposition. 

In liberty,

Audrey Taggart

This is an editoral from one of our members and not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


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