Brian Mast Honors Trooper Zachary Fink

According to Representative Brian Mast this week, on February 2, 2024, our Treasure Coast community mourned the loss of a courageous figure. Florida Highway Patrolman Zachary Fink tragically lost his life in the line of duty while pursuing a fleeing felon. He dedicated himself wholeheartedly to our community, extending his service even to those he scarcely knew.

“For those who knew him, Trooper Fink will be remembered as a man they could count on.  They will remember a natural comedian who could de-escalate and a hero deeply proud of his fellow law enforcement officers.

Even for those who barely knew him, he will be remembered as a hero who gave his life to protect our community.

We are grateful for his sacrifice, and we will remember him.”


Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing


UN Agenda 21/30 Part 2