Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

HB721/SB562 bills are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Please call or email our legislators to ask them to vote NO on these bills.  It is a democratic strategy to pass bills like these across several states and at the Federal level that will be used as a barrier to public observation of elections.

The stated intent of these bills sound good - prohibiting persons from intimidating, threatening, coercing, or harassing election workers. However, Florida already has laws in place that protect election workers, including statute 104.0615.

HB721/SB562 are a direct attack on free speech.  If passed, the law will be used to arrest, bankrupt, and possibly imprison the very public observers who helped uncover and expose the many election issues that we to be addressed in the election security legislation we proposed.

If an observer asks too many questions, objects to too many signatures, or brings up too many irregularities they could be charged with “harassment” and “intimidation”.

Help STOP this bill now.

The following article summarizes the issue: https://miamiindependent.com/rino-never-trumpers-undermining-election-integrity-in-florida/

Deb Monks

Election Integrity Committee


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