Doing the Math

Now that the budget for Martin County has been settled for a lower amount

of increase than initially intended, it is not time to sit back until next year.

And especially since the increase in home/property values has risen

appreciably - causing an unexpected windfall in taxes. If truly responsible to

their constituents, I expect the board will be looking at where they can make

inroads in establishing the importance of budget items. I hope the board is

now looking with budgetary eyes on the entrepreneurial items in the budget:

water park, concessions at beaches, golf course, empty busses – all losing

money. While giving to charity, especially in these difficult financial times

is important, most giving must be left up to taxpayers' discretion and not

plundered from our taxes.

We have just finished a period of heavy rains and flooding. Flooding and

similar concerns sure take priority over charitable donations, no matter how

worthy. And there has been much talk about losing candidates for sheriff's

department, fire rescue, etc. to nearby counties. We all recognize the valuable

assets these people are to the county. We also know our departments have

more and better equipment (marine, air rescue, etc.) than the counties directly

north and south of us. We know the time to travel, fuel consumption, have

costs difficult to place a dollar amount on. If these people have not “done the

math” and move their families to one of these counties, they will find the

schools are not up to Martin, the equipment in not on par with Martin and

crime is higher and more serious. They will be crying to come back and

work here. But let them go if they are simply after a buck so badly as to

ignore these maybe more important concerns then the dollar.

They have not “done the math.”


In liberty,

Audrey Taggart

This is commentary from our members, it is not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


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