If you were President

Imagine if you were President what would you like to accomplish? If your “undecided’ about the two presidential candidates, why not try to understand what you would want if you were president for our American citizens and the good of our country? Your “undecided” vote will not help get the right president elected.

If you were president:

Would you keep open borders allowing unvetted illegal immigrants/possible terrorists to enter into our country?

Would you want us to be ‘energy independent’ or rather depend on our adversaries to supply us with their dirty fuel?

Would you want girls sports to be only biological girls including their locker rooms?

Would you want to have groceries be more affordable?

Would you want to be respected and feared by our adversaries, keeping sanctions on them?

Would you abide by the constitution that ‘we the people’ not ‘we the government’ have rights?

Would you deport ‘violent illegal immigrants’ that break our laws and not allow them back into our country?

Would you pick DEI applicants for our military or airlines pilots, rather than qualified ones?

Would you label ‘concerned parents’ or ‘God believers’ as domestic terrorists?

Ron Reagan once said, “Some people get into politics to be somebody and some get into politics to do something!”

Our next president should be ‘somebody’ for the good of its American taxpayer citizens, period!

Still undecided?

Which presidential candidate had “no” wars or loss of American military lives while in the White House?

Two candidates with history in the White House, look at the facts! It’s a no-brainer!

Janet Wenz, Palm City

This is an editoral from one of our members and not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


“Be Careful What You Wish For”