“Be Careful What You Wish For”

In a golden age of Chinese history known as Confucianism (mid 6th-5th century BC) and followed for two millennia, the above phrase was constructed.

In the US today, we are being pressured/forced by the current administration to follow its prescription for governing: get rid of fossil fuel which provided reasonable energy prices, get rid of gasoline powered vehicles and substitute them for E Vs (electric vehicles) produced by our devious enemy, China, and are very exorbitant to own and operate, therefore out of reach, get rid of single family living by driving mortgage rates so high the current generation cannot afford to purchase a home or motor vehicle.

But the increasing use of 'affordable or attainable' living is bandied about as if it were manna from heaven or free candy. What this translates to in realistic terms is: lowering the property values so costs drop. When homes are worth less they bring in less to fire/police, infrastructure (roads, sewers, water, etc.), traffic becomes more congested, people who reside in provided 'affordable' apartments usually fall into the unskilled or semi-skilled categories of workers. Their children often are categorized as 'under-privileged, hard to teach, difficult to teach' and often, by law, must have teachers who have earned higher degrees and/or certifications, requiring higher pay and smaller classes.

These children – through no fault of their own – have not had the opportunities more lower middle class and above families usually provide: books read to them, books and games of their own, puzzles, music lessons, dance class, organized ball and/or soccer, bicycles, roller skates, movies, theater, travel, and so forth.The current administration is pushing for a cashless society as well. This seems to be having a local contemporary impact. More large chains have done away with cash acceptance at checkouts. Many, if not most, have or are in the process of installing self-checkouts which only take credit cards. This will drive unemployment up and cause it to be easier to monitor your spending. (This was one way the government tracked J6 participants and jailed them w/o trial. Credit companies supplied the data.)

Many American families move to areas in which the schools are highly rated. This does not happen when the schools are barely getting by.

Ask yourself: do you want to attract more folks whose children are below age/grade level expectations? Consider the repercussions of building 'affordable housing'. Is it government's job to subsidize housing in a non-socialist system?

Martin County is a good example: they had earned a 'A' rating when I moved here. They have dropped of late. I believe one or more elementary schools has earned a 'D' in the most recent report. Our former superintendent, Dr. Millay, announced that more than 50 languages were present in Martin Schools school now.

Thanks to some sensible leaders in Florida, including our governor, whereby we now have school choice: public schools known as “Charter Schools” (meaning chartered by the local district), private schools, religious schools, home schooling as well as government schools. Pro-choice!

Audrey Taggart

Hobe Sound

This is an editoral from one of our members and not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


If you were President


 Diversity without Virtue and Values is Pandemonium