Our Wonderful TRUMP

There are so many adjectives I could use to describe Trump, but “wonderful” is my favorite.

Promises made and promises kept. He said he would save our country and make the government smaller.

And Elon Musk has been tasked to find the waste, fraud and abuse. The lefties are freaking out as Elon has found such fraud in Social Security. Dead people still getting checks! Hope they find those people who are cashing those checks and bring them into the light for “all” to see,

The same is true of Medicaid, more abuse. Trump and Elon will not cut benefits from deserving ‘alive' people. But that doesn’t stop the lefties from promoting that he will.

I wish there was something we could do when the fake news reports lies!

Our wonderful Trump has taken more heat and abuse in the past 9 years than anybody EVER! He is the most resilient, and determined to get his promises kept. He is like the energizer bunny, nonstop working for us.

He walked into a big mess, and it will take some time to work thru all the roadblocks that were purposely put in his path.

I ask that all my conservative allies take a moment and revel in his accomplishments so far. We all want to see those paper trails of all those that benefited from the fraud found and exposed nationally. Stay planted in the belief that it will happen and focus on all that’s positive that has been done so far.

His cabinet choices are amazing people. Full of energy and focused on getting their job done with perfection.

It's more than a shame that we can’t get thru to those on the other side to understand the benefits of Trump’s presidency so far. One thing we all can do is to know someday Trump’s accomplishments will be too big to deny.

United we are a mighty force, as we saw how it worked in getting our Trump back in his rightful place. Every chance I get as I meet conservatives in the area I am inviting them to join our group.

Thank you God for giving us back our Trump, who will keep America safe and prosperous.

Janet Wenz, Palm City

This is an editorial and not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee


Bizzaro World?