Bizzaro World?

It has taken me the entire length of Vegetable Man's term in the White House to adequately describe his philosophy of government. After much study and research, I finally realize what he has been forcing upon our beloved country – the philosophy of absurdism.

We know the Romans and Greeks came up with forms of government as we have adopted sections from them. If we study an array of philosophers we can focus on Albert Camus. He posited the observation that the human condition focuses on the conflict between the human search for inherent meaning and the chaotic nature of reality.

Kind of like the expression: “He can't handle reality.”

So Camus reminds us of the “Myth of Sisyphus” and uses this Greek myth to acknowledge the futility of existence. Sisyphus is charged with pushing a boulder up a hill only to have it roll down repeatedly - representing the human condition.

It's as if a human were given a box of Lego bricks where each brick is a fragment of his life's experiences, dreams, relationships. He is expected to build a house; he wants to construct a mansion. But the pieces do not fit together, many are missing. Absurdism forces the human to realize his goal is impossible.

Camus may be providing us with the background as to why DEI, multiple genders theory, men transitioning to women, the 1619 Project exist. This may be why the Biden/Harris administration ignored U.S. Immigration Laws, why young children in the lower grades of elementary school were exposed to information not age-appropriate to our cultural mores and why the myth of "White Privilege" was concocted.

It is my theory of what bizarre contortions were foisted upon us.

What's yours?

Audrey Taggart

Hobe Sound

This information is an editorial and not the official position of the Martin County Republican Excecutive Committee.


Our Wonderful TRUMP


February 25th, Martin County BOCC Meeting Review