School Board Members Getting Death Threats

School Board Members Getting Death Threats Over Books

It is difficult to believe that school board members in a nearby district are receiving police protection (more than our US Supreme Court Justices received after death threats were prevalent following their decision to end abortion).

I was present at a local school board meeting (Martin County) recently when, indeed, people who seemed to be pro-pornography were objecting to the age appropriate shelving of reading material in public school libraries.

If parents wish their child(ren) to peruse porn it is available to them: in public libraries, at book stores, on Amazon, etc. It should not be provided by the taxpayers who are not in favor of presenting children with material which is above their ken, and which is mainly one against religion, culture, etc. Parents may provide whatever material they wish but they do not have the right to demand the local school district to provide (and pay for) such questionable material.

And most of these folks never read (or even heard) of Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451, the classic 1953 book on the topic of Book Burning. Book Burning was a hypothetical movement to foster ignorance. Books were burned. Farenheit 451 is the temperature at which books burn.

The intent of Book Burning was to maintain or promote ignorance. It was not to withhold pornography, trans-genderism, drag queens, non-binary or gender dysphoria from lower elementary school children. It was and still is a means to promote ignorance. It is quite different from age appropriate book shelving which is the mandate to school boards in the state of Florida.

In liberty,

Audrey Taggart

This is commentary from our members, it is not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


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