School Choice

As we know from the mainstream media, the legacy media and/or the Fake News (who told us Kamala and The Donald were in a tight race), the latest issue between Trump and the Dems is abolishing the Department of Education.

We all know the facts and statistics whether we rely on certain news media, magazines, tabloids, the internet outlets, etc. The United States has gone from near the top of the civilized world to the 20s, even 40s in some subjects tested on a worldwide basis.

That the downward trend began in the same year that then president, Jimmy Carter, created the department in 1979, as a tribute to the largest labor union in the country – the NEA (National Education Association). I doubt anyone is accusing them of deliberately causing this but it sure is a significant coincidence. The record of three decades shows this teachers union's average contribution is 87% to Dems and in 2024, it was 98%.

There is no mention of education in the constitution. The USPS – which is also burning millions, nay billions, is in the constitution. We may have to reduce its operation to M, W, Fri until we can get it removed through the lengthy legal process. Or we can combine nearby offices with neighboring towns. Many temporary solutions are available. Until permanence is established.

But the DOE must go now. No question. It has proven to have failed resoundingly. Meantime many states have established or are working on establishing School Choice. Those folks respect the rights of parents to direct the upbringing of THEIR children.

Make government schools one choice between: charter schools, religious schools, private schools, homeschooling, and so forth.

Audrey Taggart

This is an editorial and not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


February 25th, Martin County BOCC Meeting Review


Outside the Box Thinking