Trump or DeSantis?

Governor Desantis first won the governorship by the slimmest of margins, about 0.4%.  The Governor tied himself very strongly to President Trump and his governing policies. In doing so, the Governor proved himself to be a solid conservative and went on to win re-election by an astounding 20%. Those voters were electing a Governor, not a President. 

       President Trump beat all the odds, beat a former First Lady, a Secretary of State, and an entrenched establishment political actor— crooked Hillary Clinton. Despite the full onslaught of the Marxist left, the Republicans -in name- only (RINOs),  the fake news cartel, made-up polls, woke corporations and the university communist elite, and frankly just plain ignorant voters. President Trump won a commanding victory.

    Once in office, Trump’s policies created the lowest unemployment among women, Hispanics, and African Americans in our country’s history.  Further, his administration’s policies made the U.S. energy independent. He eliminated foolish burdensome regulations. caused our economy to soar to new heights and brought the southern border under full government control.

      As President, Trump went on to complete formal mid-east peace agreements normalizing diplomatic relations between several Arab states and Israel, while other Presidents received Nobel peace prizes for merely getting a handshake between some mid-east leaders. Previous U.S. Presidents complained of NATO countries not funding their share of the NATO treaty, but President Trump got them to pay up and was roundly applauded by the NATO members themselves. Every President since Eisenhower believed that the U.S. Embassy in Israel should be located in Jerusalem, but none could do it. President Trump did it.

     Governor Desantis should finish his term as governor,  and along with all Republican presidential hopefuls fully and vigorously endorse and support Trump’s re-election. Otherwise, as stated above, these illegal, deceitful, and contemptuous tactics will become the political norm.
If liberty-loving American voters do this we can win and put America back on track. Wake up, folks.

Lynn & Dick Mac Auley
Hobe Sound, Florida

This is commentary from our members, it is not the offiical position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


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