The Need for the Electoral College

Just wondering if those who want the Electoral College abolished realize that NYC (not the state) has more residents there than 39 states have? This means those in the less populous states would essentially be without any vote in presidential campaigns without the Electoral College. We could hold the elections in the four most populous states: CA, NY, TX and FL and not bother in the other 46 states. It is also possible to hold the elections only in CA and NY since the population in those two states would overwhelm the rest of the USA. Those other states would save a lot of money! Think of the good we could accomplish? More immigration, more affordable housing, welfare for many more, and so forth.

If we did away with the Electoral College this could be the result: when our population votes that, for example, women were no longer eligible to vote, or Caucasians could not vote, or Asians were not eligible to vote, or college graduates could not vote, it may be legal. We may have to do some fine tuning and adjustments to many laws on the books, but the majority would have spoken.

Majority rules. Mob Rule; some say 'mobocracy.'  The definition of democracy in many political science circles is, “Three wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner.”

Be awakened from WOKE propaganda.

Wasn't it Cicero who cautioned us that “those who do not know history remain children?”

In liberty,

Audrey Taggart

This is commentary from our members, it is not the offiical position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


With Guns we are Citizens; Without them we are Subjects


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