Diversity without Virtue and Values is Pandemonium

Diversity without virtue and values is pandemonium.

Let's say we had a goal/project of solving a vexing problem. We were told we must operate under the heading of diversity, a faddish belief that places strong emphasis on it with no proof or studies to determine its success rate. We, therefore, brought together a brutish teenager, a homeless veteran, a recent escapee from a mental institution and an elderly dementia patient – of varying races, genders, colors, creeds.

This would certainly meet the criteria of diversity by any hard-nose standards. But would these individuals work together toward a common denouement? Would they work together at all? Or alone? On anything?

“Is this anyway to run an airline?” critics would ask/demand.

We see Ivy League college students now mouthing sayings they seem not to have a smattering of what: “from the river to the sea” means or represents to terror groups (Hamas, Hezbollah). The terrorists have been holding hostages since the marauding attack in early October and seem unlikely to release them (as their number decreases as they die in terrorist hands).

The unaccounted behavior from the days immigrants were expected to ply a trade, learn English, become citizens, even have a sponsor (as our grandparents or great grandparents, etc. did) have turned into condemnation of our country as: “patriarchal, white supremacist, racist” by the very spoiled elitists who earned a trophy for showing up and a college degree for breathing! There was no welfare, Medicaid, free lunch back then.

Put D,E,I to rest. Re-install American values and culture if anyone still knows how to think, evaluate, assess. Replace DEI with TEA! And do it ASAP!

In liberty,

Audrey Taggart

Hobe Sound

This is an editoral from one of our members and not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


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