Down with Standards!

Down with Standards!

Hearing that the Senate dress code no longer exists (for men only), I had to look into the matter. How could this be? Men are encouraged to dress in such disarray now that even most business offices would not allow – even on dress down Friday. However it is true that women members and all the staff must continue to dress as grown-ups in business attire.

Where is the outrage from the women's movement? NOW? The silence is deafening as they say.

But even worse than this, what message does this send? In the Senate those of all political parties ought to come to work in sneakers, work boots, flip flops, bathing trunks, tennis attire, whatever. Next the House of Representatives with many more members ought to do the same!

Hey, Zelensky gets away with it, why not dress down forever?

Try to visualize it! Instead of setting the standard we are following the Woke religion and now accepting what formerly were taboos, perversions, mandates from the executive branch which does not have the power to mandate anything – only congress does.

Maybe the BOCC ought to adopt this dress code. After all, they are already trying to masquerade as conservatives. Talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing!

They talk about “affordable housing” which is code for socialism where the American dream of home ownership has been crushed. The first two goals of socialism are: the abolition of private ownership and the equalization of wealth.

(OK to rob Peter to pay Paul.)

Wake up America. Woke-ism is Marxism.

In liberty

Audrey Taggart

This is commentary from our members, it is not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


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