With Guns we are Citizens; Without them we are Subjects

In this era of mass shootings, we often hear calls for Gun Control, sometimes only for particular gun makes - AK-47 or similar.

To quote the Martin REC: “we believe in your right to bear arms, to protect your life, the lives of those you love and to protect your hard-earned property!”

The 2nd Amendment does not apply to semi-automatic rifles, nor does it apply to bolt action rifles pistols or revolvers. The 2nd Amendment RESTRICTS GOVERNMENT. The technology of the firearm is irrelevant. The restriction on government remains the same, regardless of the firearm. The 2nd Amendment was not written to grant permission for citizens to own and bear firearms. It is not about hunting.   No, it forbids government interference in the right to keep and bear arms, period. The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

This also applies to the other “Rights.” They are not granted. The constitution simply stipulates inherent rights the government may not prohibit.

With guns we are citizens. Without them we are subjects.  Providing for Gun-Free zones provides helpless targets for mass murderers since 1991.

Audrey Taggart

This is commentary from our members, it is not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


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